Time & Location
Jan 19, 2023, 7:00 PM – 8:45 PM PST
About the Event
Empowered Pleasure presents an STI Education Event:
When polyam, queer, and kink folks look to learn deeper on STIs, we usually meet doctors and physicians who do not
When poly, queer, and kink folks look to learn deeper on STIs, we usually meet doctors and physicians who do not speak or hold our sex-positive perspective. Dr. Evelin Dacker will present a sex-positive perspective on sexually transmitted infections.
She'll cover: * Creating a new story around STIs, a sex-positive and shameless one * Understanding HSV, HPV, and bacterial infections and how to reduce their effects on your intimacy * How to reduce STI transmission for non-monogamous, kinky, and queer people * The importance of testing and how to get what you need * Understanding STI transmission risks beyond PIV/PIA * How risk tolerance plays into our stigma and fears * The importance of understanding sexual networks * The importance of communication to reduce transmission
This event will include a presentation on the most common STIs (HSV, HPV, GC/Chlamydia, Syphilis, HIV) followed by a Q & A period.
Everyone who registers will receive a copy of Dr. Dacker's STI Guide and a $10 discount on the DeSTIgmatize STIs eBook.
YOUR HOST Evelin Dacker, MD, is a Latinx- American, sex-positive Integrative Family Medicine physician. She is active in creating a safe space for LGBTQIA youth and adults and helping people through illness, trauma, and life transitions towards finding balance and joy.
She incorporates a multidisciplinary approach with principles of gratitude and pleasure to support her patients in creating their own wellness.
In addition to practicing medicine, Evelin (pronounced Ev-ah-leen), was the Executive Director of SexPositive Portland from 2017-2020. She created the safer sex communication model STARS to help facilitate open and honest sex conversations. She is a consent and sex educator, sexual health activist, and TEDx speaker. You can find out more about Evelin at https://www.evelindacker.com
SCHEDULE 7:00 Introduction and Presentation 8:15 Q & A Session 9:00 End of Workshop
STI Online Class
From $10.00 to $15.00Sale ended- $15.00+$0.38 service fee
- $10.00+$0.25 service fee